Duke Levine Quarantine Edition Truetone Lounge

April 17, 2020

Duke Levine is an in-demand sideman, solo artist, and is one of the foremost roots-based guitarists of that last 30-years. His well-crafted instrumental albums contain melodies and moods, which is why he has also done acclaimed soundtrack work with Mason Daring for many of the films of John Sales. Duke can also burn on the guitar when needed while playing with Peter Wolf, and the J. Geils Band, play Honky Tonk, or Country Soul guitar with his own combo. In today's Truetone Lounge, Levine walks us through his work with Mary Chapin Carpenter, Jonatha Brooke, Otis Rush, soundtrack work, his solo recordings, and covers his gear through the years. For all the serious gear heads, we look at Duke's 1953 and 1963 Telecasters, 1963 Stratocaster, and Relic Tele